tisdag, oktober 19, 2010

So you want to be a journalist...

Reasons to be it:
10. I love to read... newspaper. Indications: You are always reading magazines and similar while waiting for the dentist or doctor to come. Just to do something.
9. I am my school's Trivial Pursuit's champion. (I feel personally that I have to work on that part a bit..)
8. I am fanatical about accuracy. Indications: It drives you crazy when things are misspelled. 
7. I am able to ask important people tough questions, even though it may feel uncomfortable.
6. I think well on my feet. Explanation: You have premade questions, and the person you are interviewing start telling you an amazing other story, so you have to come up with new questions directly.
5. Grammar, spelling and punctuation comes easily for me.
4. I don't care how much money I will make. Explanation: You won't be rich.
3. I don't mind working weird hours; nights, weekends, holidays. Extra: It's good if you're a night person.
2. I love to write, but I also like taking pictures shooting and editing videos and so on. SOCIAL MEDIA is not just in paper form any more, facebook, blogs and web pages are as important.
1. I am insatiably curious about... everything. Want to know why and how all the time.

Skills you can build now:
  • Basic grammar, spelling, punctuations.
  • Reading; history, current events, internet; be well read.
  • Clear, concise, interesting writing: learn to write short, don't waste people's time.
  • Ability to tell engaging stories using printed words, pictures, videos and a combination.
  • PRACTISE! Read a fact, lay it upsidedown and write what you remember; that's the best stories.
  • And most important: Curiosity.
Random advices:
Visit your local editor and ask to volunteer.
No job is too small.
It's not about grades; they don't care if you got MVG or VG in Gymnastik A liksom, they care if you can write.
Seriously, it's not about grades.
Follow your passion
Don't be scared away by what your parents say, about there's no jobs anymore because of the internet; there will always be needs for journalists.
Take a testdrive while you're still in the gymnasium to see if you like it!
Journalists can end up anywhere, you don't know what it can lead to and it's cool to know things you'll know if you have that job.

This I learned at the journalistic convention and it's with my own words so this is my english! Haha 

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